2017年度第5回コロキューム (7月12日(水)実施)

日 時 2017年7月12日(水)13:00~14:30
場 所 実体情報学博士プログラム「工房」
講 師 飯野将人氏 (ラーニング・アントレナーズ・ラボ)
対 象 早稲田大学 理工学術院 修士課程学生、博士課程学生
募集人数 西早稲田 50名 IPS 20名(先着順)
申し込み  参加ご希望の方は、下記e-mailからお申込みください。
leading-sn-info_at_list.waseda.jp (※ “_at_”は“@”に置き換えてください)


タイトル: Lowering a Hurdle of Entrepreneurship for Researchers
概 要: Chances for researchers to ignite startups are unprecedentedly big today, as cloud technology, 3D printer revolution, affluent capital looking for investment opportunities, and the development of a rigorous methodology for startups.Lean Startup is the methodology, a try-&-error oriented method of startups: building hypothesis of business and test it as efficient as possible to tolerate as many experiments and iterations as possible. This methodology doesn’t demand a genius, but just a diligent mind to go through rigorous hypothesis testing steps to launch a successful startup.

A few serial entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley invented it 10 years ago, and now it is widely recognized as a standard format among entrepreneurs.

Let’s think about getting out of laboratories to test business feasibility of your research.

講演者 略歴:
  • Partner, Learning Entrepreneur’s LabVisiting Professor at Waseda University
  • Started career as a derivative trader at an investment bank to move on to a mergers and acquisitions specialist at General Electric, engaging in the transaction itself as well as post-merger integration of the management of acquired businesses.
  • Finding it more interesting to actually new value creation than to acquire the value someone else created, engaged in three startups since then: two in Japan and one in the U.S.. (success ratio is one in three)
  • Leveraging the career as an entrepreneur joined a venture capital as a partner for 10+ years.
  • Learning Entrepreneur’s Lab is a process-oriented startup accelerator, investing/coaching early stage startups encouraging Lean Startup methodology.
  • B.A. in Law from Tokyo University, MBA from Harvard University

