
Information 11 Jun. 2021
Collaborative robot "NICEBOT" was covered by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (Associate Professor Alexander Schmitz)
9 May. 2017
Prof. Shigeki Sugano was awarded "Prizes for Science and Technology" by MEXT
24 Dec. 2015
Tomoya Koshi (L2 student) was awarded at MNC2014
6 Nov. 2015
Taro Kanai (L2 student) awarded at KSME-JSME Joint Symposium on Computational Mechanics & CAE 2015

A team of the leading program students (Akira Kato, Ryosuke Tsumura, and Naomi Okamura) was awarded the 2nd place Design Competition Award for the presentation they gave at the 2015 Annual LIMBS Summit (held at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) on June 5th).

The presented work, one of the prominent achievements from “integrated research” set by the leading program, is about a design of the ankle-foot coupling called Multi-Axis Rubber Coupling (MARC). As it can be produced with cheap materials that are available in developing countries, their work would initiate a collaborative research project with a UTEP reseach team.

4 Nov. 2015
Professor Hiroshi Okuno won two awards at IEEE SSRR 2015
4 Nov. 2015
Professor Alexander Schmitz and his research team was awarded at IEEE-IRIS 2015
Information 5 Nov. 2014
Professor Hiroshi Okuno was commended by JSPS for his outstanding services in reviewing proposals submitted for KAKENHI.
Information 13 Jun. 2014
Professor Hiroshi G. Okuno, Winner of the FY2014 Advanced Robotics Best Paper Award 2014
Information 13 Jun. 2014
Professor Hiroshi G. Okuno, Winner of the FY2013 JSAI Achievement Award and the FY2013 JSAI Incentive Award
Information 11 Mar. 2014
The pamphlet of this program was published.
Activitiy 10 Feb. 2014
The briefing session about this program was held to the student.
Information 4 Dec. 2013
The reason for adoption of this program was exhibited.
Activitiy 3,4 Dec. 2013
The briefing session about this program was held to the student.
Information 1 Oct. 2013
This program was adopted the Program for Leading Graduate Schools.